
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Listening with Your Eyes

Whether you are a stay at home mom, or a mom that works outside of the home, do you listen with your eyes?

My son said to me when he was seven, while I was frantically cleaning the kitchen and moving between the laundry room, "Mom, you aren't listening to me." To which I replied; "Yes, I am!" I was right there, listening as I worked. I had so much to get done. We were both in the same room. I was listening!

The fact remained. I was NOT "listening with my eyes". The kind of listening that says, I understand what you are saying. Not the I only hear you, but the I understand what you are saying kind of listening. It makes all of the difference.

Short post to ask: Are you "Listening with Your Eyes?" To your husband, friends, children, parents.......Listen with your eyes. See the difference it makes.


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