
Friday, January 6, 2012


I Love new beginnings!! Don't you? Isn't it fun to have 365 days to fill! My mind has been busy dreaming and planning for the year ahead! I think it is going to be a miraculous year! A Year of new opportunities, friendships and goals met. Discovering what our purpose is can be the most fun ever! It doesn't have to be confusing or dull--just begin where you are.

Look around you. Look at your home, family, friends, work--they are all blessings. Often times we are so busy getting to where we are going that we forget to stop and look around at where we are at. Don't take this new year for granted. (Or the people who are in it with you) You have 365 (well 359 now) days to fulfill your dreams, reach your goals and become who God created you to be!

ABUNDANCE: Frugality, Food, Fitness and Fun are my focus areas. Life is Abundant!

Frugality: Use Cash and not credit/debit

Food: Continue to use portion control to lose the remains of 20 lbs- weight loss

Fitness: Run the second 5K race and improve my time

Fun: Figure out how to go to HAWAII in 2013 for NEARLY Free.

What are your 2012 Goals? Have you written them down?

Blessings in this NEW YEAR~

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