Seasons- In the Northeastern United States there are 4 distinct seasons. Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn. Each season brings with it new perspective on living.
- Winter- Warm cozy homes, candles and soup. Sled rides and snowmen. Handycrafts, and cocoa.
- Spring- Baby chicks and Easter baskets. Tulips and lillies. Rainy mornings and bike rides.
- Summer-Longer days and starry nights. Sun, sand and surf at the shore. BBQ and watermelon.
- Autumn-Colorful tapestries on the mountainside. Sound of crunching leaves and the sight of vibrant pumpkins.
During this last week of September it is time to regroup the budget, and plan one last uncrowded trip to the ocean. The weather and the beauty of the season offer bounty and abundance on a budget. It is time to plan.
Long Beach Island has no boardwalk, only the ocean on one side and the bay and docks on the other. A light house, clam chowder, salt water taffy and bagels and coffee. We are able to stay on this quaint island with family. So it won't break our budget, it is time to plan. Whether it is from the hammock in the yard, sitting in a comfy chair, or listening to the ocean along the shore at the beach, it is a time to reflect. It is the change of seasons-an opportunity to re-organize our budgets, homes, and activities.
- Budget for the Fall: Continue to Save towards the $1,000 emergency fund. Envelope system up to $20 day. Coin Jar Christmas-Build the coins until December 1st. Then wrap coins and turn to cash.
- Homes- Organize stuff. Develop a plan for each room. Downsize the amount of things that are owned. Categorize and prioritize ask questions of each and every item!
1. Do I use this?
2. Does it work?
3. Do I love this? How it works, fits, makes the room look?
4.Is there an easier way that I could keep the memory and get rid of the thing? i.e. Grown children's art work in bins, wrong size jeans, shoes from the high school prom....etc.
5.Does this item have any value? - Activities- Free Activity list. Libraries, Universities, State Parks. Using Points for flights, hotels, and car rentals. Farmer's markets, writing groups, hiking, jogging program, horse back riding.
This last week of the September No Spend Challenge is a reflection week. The change of the seasons brings with it an opportunity to recommit to financial goals and re-evaluate the process of getting there.
It looks like you have a great plan for October! :) Love that you're continuing on with the daily envelopes! I've been allotting $140/week over the last couple weeks for us & it's really allowed e to save some $$ this month towards my emergency fund! :) I'm debating continuing on for October as we still have a full freezer, I'd like to save more towards my EF and also need to pick up a few more Christmas items.