
Tuesday, November 1, 2011


In the early morning I clicked on the television while going to the kitchen to make coffee. What appeared before me was a skin cream commercial that promised to make me look 15 years younger. “Nice!” I could hear it from the kitchen, as I was thinking about the reason for being up so early….i.e.  Going to the gym to work out. So naturally I listened on how my skin could look great too!

Wow, it’s only $39.95! Marked down a lot! And there are BONUS Gifts INCLUDED!” STOP!” “ STOP!” Says my good sense. So I quickly turned it off. I got my coffee and proceed to the master bathroom to finish getting ready. I slowly opened the chest above the sink….and what should appear but several (not a few) unopened, and ½ used bottles of various “promises”. 

Now I don’t have a daily regimen of using these creams and lotions-just normal ivory soap and water. They just sit in the cabinet waiting. Why, you might ask? They are all free to me! (Well they weren’t originally free) I paid a lot more than $39.95 for them, when I was working full time outside of the house.  SO what is it, within us, that has us thinking that the “new” products are “better”? As I thought on it more…I started to think, maybe moisturize, drink water, and use natural cleansers…would be cheaper and  more reasonable.

But, how easily I was convinced. Seriously, maybe it was the time of day (super early), or maybe I just liked the promises from the gorgeous person…whatever it was… I caught myself. Decided to look in the cabinet and use what I have, and use the already purchased faithfully, first!

 I’m admittedly shocked at just HOW Much I already had. (The photo doesn’t include those items that were out of date, that I tossed).

I’m going to spend some time looking for natural alternatives for beauty regimen items. I am going to use up the ones that I currently have on hand….then if needed, after I’ve searched for better methods, have empty containers of current cosmetics….I’ll buy another promise, maybe…maybe not...


  1. I also have a drawer full of beauty products. I've been much better over the past few months in ditching things that I'm not using. Getting rid of the clutter seems to make me more inclined to use up the things I actually have. :-) Win/win.

  2. Good job ditching things. I did that with quite a few. These are what I have left to use up. Today I used some of the products , and my skin feels great! i think I have a new regimine :)
    ....and it didn't cost me a dime.
